Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dubrovnik, Croatia


The trip to Dubrovnik started out with a spectacular sunrise from the ferry.  The city of Dubrovnik was equally stunning, the only catch is everyone in Europe knows it and congregates there in hordes.  Despite the masses and difficulty finding decent accommodation, Dubrovnik left a lasting impression.  Jeff’s highlight of Dubrovnik was the city walls which enclose the entire old town and are among the finest in the world.  The walls are over 2km long and 25 metres high with numerous towers and a large fortress overlooking the Adriatic sea.  Absolutely sensational!  Anelia’s highlight was the undeniably best pasta she had ever had. Little did Anelia and Jeff know that Italy (just across the Adriatic) has greatly influenced Croatian cuisine.  As a result Croatia is home to excellent pasta.  Anelia’s other highlight was the kremsnite, a Croatian crème cake that was to die for. In fact, after gorging on pasta, pizza, bruschetta, salad, wine, and half a loaf of bread, Jeff and Anelia almost did kill themselves by seeking out and forcing down yet another piece of this Croatian heaven.  Jeff had to undo his pants for the walk home. Dubrovnik was a great way to end our time in Croatia. 

Pics 1. Anelia eating her Croatian cake  2. Dubrovnik's walls   3. View of old town from city wall  4. Outpost of castle   5. Old town street  6. Ceiling of church   7. Dubrovnik's walls   8.  Traditional Croatian musician  9. Sunrise on ferry to Dubrovnik

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