Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Dalmatian Coast of Croatia

The island of Hvar has many small towns to stay in, the most popular being Hvar town on the East end of the island.  Jeff and Anelia chose this as their destination.  As one of the most popular destinations for tourists in Croatia, Hvar can be expensive and jam packed.  However, Jeff and Anelia arrived at the tail end of the season and the town was next to deserted.  That did not prevent the “vultures” from waiting at the dock.  After some negotiating and checking out apartments, Jeff and Anelia found a full apartment, dirt cheap, with an amazing view of the harbor.   On the second day they caught a boat taxi to a nearby island where they found a little section of private beach to spend the day. 

Korcula, the second island Jeff and Anelia visited seemed to have it all. In order to experience this bountiful island they rented a scooter and scooted through the countryside.  Objective one: tour the vineyards in hopes of sampling the local specialty wine known as Grk.  Grk is produced in only one place on Earth, Lombardi on Korcula island.  The name Grk originates from the word Greek as the Grk grape was brought to Korcula islands by the Greeks.  At some point in history an insect was responsible for destroying all the Grk vineyards in the area.  In Lomabrdi, the sandy soil prevented this insect from infecting the vineyards and thus remains the only Grk vineyards.  True story.  The wine they sampled was delicious!  It’s a good thing too cause it took forever to locate the wineries.  The next day they took a ferry to Orebic, on the southern coast of the Peljasac Peninsula. There, they bathed in the sun on a mostly deserted sand beach. In the evening, they walked the old town, went out for local cuisine and sampled the octopus salad (which they promptly gave to the British seafood lover at the next table).  Jeff and Anelia are still working on acquiring a taste for seafood.

Pictures: 1. Town of Korcula on Korcula island  2. Grk Winery  3.  Anelia's scooter   4. Orebic beach  5.  Suntanning on Hvar island   6. Hvar town   7.  Anelia on secluded beach  8.  View from our apartment on Hvar island!

Movie:  Jeff and Anelia touring Korcula island scooter style!


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