Sunday, September 13, 2009

Speis Castle

The bright shining star of Slovakia. This castle was incredible, with the first indications of human settlement here dating back to 5000BC. Under control of various Empires throughout the ages, Speis castle was an important landmark of culture, economy and military strength. The castle had been remodeled many times over as styles of architecture changed. However, many buildings were left untouched and stand in their original form (with of course some upkeep). It is one of the largest castle complexes in Europe and truly strikes an impressive image high above the town.

We stopped in here for a tour on our way south from Poprad to Miskolc, Hungary. We arrived in Miskolc and much to our dismay found little in the way of help except of course from some Shady cab drivers trying to get us into their cabs to find a “cheap hotel”. Jeff and Anelia beat a hasty retreat, hopping on the closest transport downtown, greasy cab drivers in hot pursuit. Seeking refuge in one of the only places open downtown, MacDonalds, we were able to evade old greasy fingers and his gang of Garaputo’s. Also, to our delight, we found perhaps the only English speaking McD’s worker in all of Eastern Europe who pointed us in the direction of a hotel. We slogged through the streets of Miskolc, finally reaching our destination, tired, a little cranky, bewildered and filthy. The hotel, a three star beauty, way out of our price-range.

So here we are, resting and regrouping in a beautiful three star hotel with private bath, comfortable beds, soaker bathtub, WiFi and even towels! Perhaps blowing the budget but living large. If only we had clean clothes to wear to our free breakfast in the hotel café tomorrow. Too tired to write anymore so we will sign off. Take a look at the pics of Speis. Pretty cool eh?

1 comment:

  1. incredible pics! good work on the nice place with dirty clothes for b-fast. clean clothes are over rated anyways!
    hope all is well!
    take care. peace.
