Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Rovinj, Croatia

The bus trip to Rovinj, Croatia was a story in itself. With Croatian folk music blasting from the speakers and an enthusiastic bus driver belting out lyrics and waving his arms as if conducting a symphony, we careened through the winding roads on the coast of croatia.  With only 3 passengers, the bus driver felt compelled to act as our tour guide, hollering “moment, moment” in thick accented English as warning to ready our cameras for the upcoming breathtaking scenery and punctuating his pleasure with cries of “Very good! Very good!” (pronounced as vair-dee gouda).


We arrived in Rovinj and had the great fortune of finding excellent and affordable accommodation.  The other passenger on the bus, a Swedish Mexican (yes, you read correctly) named Alex, also bunked with us in a 2 bedroom flat complete with all amenities (including a black cat).  Rovinj is a thriving fishing town that also includes a wonderful old town to explore and rocky beaches to swim from.  As it was Anelia’s 21st birthday, Jeff and Anelia proceeded to celebrate at one of the local restaurants.  With the vast choice of seafood and fish on the menu,  Anelia and Jeff opted for the pizza (both not too keen on seafood).  Just like in Piran, the weather was beautiful and we continued to soak up the sun’s rays and swim in blue waters of the Adriatic.  More adventures to come.

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