Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Piran, Slovenia

Piran was a welcomed change in pace and scenery.   This small town lies on the southwestern coast of Slovenia on the Adriatic Sea.  The coast had a Mediterranean feel far different from the Slovenia we had seen so far.  The town is a bit touristy containing some upscale restaurants. Anelia and Jeff, brought their own sense of class at one such restaurant.  In their stained and 3 day worn clothes, Anelia and Jeff made a lasting impression on a "refined" and well dressed couple sitting next to them as Anelia ground pepper into her paper napkin and stowed it in her camera case to be used for the following nights home made meal of chicken noodle soup.  Needless to say, the lady, wide eyed, could not tear her eyes from the spectacle. Meanwhile, Michael Buble crooned christmas carols in the background (we are sure this went unrecognized by the non-english patrons).  In addition to this, Anelia and Jeff watched stupefied as the other neighbouring couple ordered and consumed more food than thought humanly possible. A very classy evening. 

The next day Jeff and relaxed on the beach where Anelia was, for the first time, exposed to the European inhibition towards nudity. Yikes. 

Not much else to report from Piran, just enjoyed the sun's rays.  Off to Croatia!!

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