Monday, September 21, 2009

Budapest, Hungary

Budapest, another beautiful European city, is actually three cities- Buda, Obuda, and Pest, which joined together in 1873. The city paints a picturesque view stratling the Danube River. Beautiful old ornate architecture, stunning bridges, café lined cobblestone streets, and historical landmarks make Budapest well worth visiting. Oh, of course we can’t forget all the little greasy yummy pastries that Jeff and Anelia ate more than their share of.   Budapest is also home to many Turkish baths heated by natural springs. The water of these springs are said to have medicinal powers.  We just used it to ease our aching bones. Oh we have to mention the sauna.  Jeff says that he has been in many scorching saunas, none however, could compare to the heat we experienced in the sauna and the Szechenyi Baths. Our stay in Budapest rounded out with a day trip to Szentendre (an art community 20km north of Budapest) and a trip to Memento Park.  Memento Park contains many historical monuments from the Soviet backed communist regime that took power after World War 2 and lasted until 1989.  Anelia would like to apologize for filming sideways, again, and promises to smarten up!  

Pics in order 1.  Lenin and Jeff in Momento park, 2.  Anelia on the Daube in Szentendre, 3.  Old hungarian homesteads in Skanzen (Ft. Edmonton Hungary style),  4. Enjoying the thermal baths,  5.  meats and things in the market (so good), 6.   Jeff enjoying the boat cruise,  7.  The Hungarian Parliment building,  8.  The Fishermans Bastion on the castle,  9.  Anelia on Gellert hill (the statue represents the defeat of evil facism) 10. Anelia buying pastries (also so good)

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