Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Kruja, Albania


The mighty Skanderberg fought and defeated the Turkish armies during 3 sieges of this fortress until overwhelming forces finally defeated him resulting in his death.  Skanderberg won every battle (twenty-some) he fought against the Turks and was the leader of Albania’s resistance against the Ottoman occupation.  Although not much is left of the fortress, a museum devoted to this Albania hero stands admist the ruins.  Kruja is also a town of artisans.  The street up to the castle is lined with authentic Albania merchandise including antiques, wood carvings, Albania socks, and carpets as well as many other knick-knacks. If you go at the right time you will see the women of Kruja hard at work on the loom.


Pictures: 1-Jeff at Kruja’s castle  2-Anelia at bazaar  3-Woman on loom


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