Friday, October 30, 2009


No trip to Greece could ever be complete without a few nights stay in Athens.  The city is absolutely heaped in history.  The highlight of the tour of course is the Acropolis and the great temple of Athena, the Parthenon.  We spent some time touring all the sights despite the lousy weather.  Yes, all of you who have expressed jealousy at our traveling the globe whilst you bear the bitter autumn weather, we have got our share this past week as well so rest easy.  No, we are not complaining, just trying to relate to our friends back home.  Three days of rain and no blue sky (as you can tell by the pics) were not what we expected.  Oh well, Athens was still a treat.  Now, we catch the ferry to Crete and hope for some better weather!  

pic 1 -  Parthenon   pic 2 - changing of the gaurd   pic 3 - Ancient Agora   pic - 4 Temple of Hephasteus (a.k.a the pantheon - not really; sorry to some folks for the inside joke)  pic 5 - Rebuilt olympic stadium (used in first modern olympic games - 1896)

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