Monday, November 9, 2009

Dead Sea, Jordan

Every trip to Jordan must include a visit to float in the Dead Sea!  The Dead Sea lies 1000 meters below sea level and a salt content so high that it is almost completely devoid of life (just some micro-organisms).  You have probably heard that due to the salinity you will float, but nothing will prepare you for that sensation nor the effortlessness with which you do.  There is nothing quite like it. For the complete experience and a few extra bucks you can cover yourself in mud from the deeps of the Dead Sea.  The mud is said to be excellent for the skin.  Jeff abstained from the mud pack but Anelia slathered it on and had to admit her skin afterwards felt soft and smooth. 

Getting to the dead sea is a little difficult (buses only run by necessity) and getting back to Amman is even trickier.  We ended up hitching a ride with an Australian who had hired a driver for the day.  On the return trip we made a stop at Mt. Nebo, where legend has it the prophet Musa (also known as Moses) stood and looked out over the land, declaring it "the Promised Land".  He soon after died (at age 120) and was buried on the mountain.   

pic 1 - the Dead Sea mudpack    2 - Anelia had Mt. Nebo (pics a little out of order)   3 - Jeff floats with ease   4 - the beach   5 - look at all that salt!

No wonder Jesus walked on water!

1 comment:

  1. Hello my friends!!! I am so happy you share your amazing pictures and adventures with us at home. You guys look so happy all the time in your pics and I hope you are truly having a fabulous time and it's everything you expected. It sounds like you have come across some obstacles on your journey but have overcome them and kept on trucking. Some of your stories are soooo hilarious, and i like the videos!!! I check your blog frequently looking forward to seeing more pics and hearing more stories, love that you guys did this!! Especially for someone like me who has not travelled very far. Not too much new here, i'm sick again with the flu, off work for a few days. And everything for the house is picked out, should find out our stake date in the next week or so. Miss you guys lots!!! Take Care!
