Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Years in Cairo

With just a couple more days in Cairo with our friends before they left and New Years on the horizon there was a lot to do. Not wasting any time we took off to see the world’s oldest stone monument the Pyramid of Zoser and the oldest true pyramid in Egypt, the Red Pyramid. These structures date back to 7th and 12th dynasty and were the predecessors to the great pyramids of Giza. Their size and shape as they were built got larger and more remnant of the great Pyramids suggesting a refinement to the pyramid building techniques and the craft of the engineers. Although not as impressive as their larger counterparts in Giza, the fact that these tombs have stood for 4700 years and represent the oldest structures of man. The trip was well worth it. We returned to Cairo for a little bartering in the Souq before heading out to celebrate the New Year. The streets were packed! Boats floated down the Nile with their neon lights sparkling on the water. We tried a couple of places to eat but found them full. We finally stumbled across Country Roy’s Kitchen and spotting the roast turkey in the buffet through the window decided that a turkey dinner might just hit the spot. Although not quite like Mom’s cooking, the dinner did hit the spot and just before new year, the restaurant staff past out the party favors and hats and we rang in the New Year Cairo style. The next day Lisa and Erik departed early (sad day), we left for Alexandria and after a couple nights we were off to Dubai!!


1- Step pyramid

2- Bent pyramid

3- Red pyramid

4- New Year's turkey dinner

5- Strike of 12!! Happy 2010!

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